I have been reflecting over what all my work for the Republicans over the years brought forth in the way of fruit. The republicans had a humanistic agenda and it gave us a country, humanistic enough, to embrace Obama as a messiah? Because it wasn’t what the other guys were, which was crazy, it seemed like a worthy thing to fight for. But it really was just as crazy at its foundation. It just hadn't been pushed to its logical conclusion yet. It didn’t even need to be pushed because “as you sow, so shall you reap.” But at its foundation it was not…”the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge.”
Explicitly, Obama has openly played on peoples covetousness. Republicans by not accepting the biblical position and commandment to hate covetousness, implicitly approve covetousness. We get conditioned to accept it at some level. You become desensitized to the sin. Of course at a reasonable level of coveting. The reasonable level is not as seen and set by God. But rather by enough degrees less than the other guys so that we feel safe.
I now think we as a nation we are in more danger from Republicans in power than Democrats. We have given humanistic Republicans a pass. At least they didn’t spit on us. Meanwhile Gods word is true and when Jesus said “ if you are not with me, you are against me.” He meant it. The Republicans cannot help the nation because they are even more worried about “traction” than the Christians are. Which is the real problem. We have tried to clean Jesus up, given him a make over. “He loves you and wants you to have a better life.”
To think ,two years ago I would've been fearful if the Republicans didn't win. Start waving the end times flag as I'm sure many Christians are tonight. Its too bad because we have a lot of work to do and its not in Washington where it needs to be done. Its in our homes and Church's.
I am not hoping for a big train wreck so that people will re-embrace Republicans again. (the train wreck is happening even as some will be tempted to send another train down the same track in an attempt to clean off the debris, "If we just go faster") I am hoping that the Republicans will be finished and possibly this will make room for a Constitution party or even a more explicitly biblical Party. Alas It will probably be seen as time..."for the nation to get a taste of this liberal stuff til it comes out their nostril's. Then they will sweep in Debra, I mean Ester..." I believe even the Chrisitans have now spent enough time being "trained to like" this liberal stuff that many voted for it. After you have had Starbucks Obama, many will not want conservative Folgers anymore.
Short term, next few years, I think Obama policies will be the equivalent of a pillow over the face of the economy that’s already wheezing on the Bed.
What we are nourishing in our homes. That's what will count.
I like what Wilson said, something to the affect that Gods sovereignty is not on the ballot.
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