Thursday, January 24, 2008

More Ten Commandments DVD

I last mentioned “The Ten Commandments for Today “ DVD, it's 12 parts. There are plenty of things to quibble about it, but overall it presents God's Commandments in such a stronger, more commanding, sweeping, potent light than I am used to thinking of them.

It’s like God wrote them.

And meant it.

Which, we would all go, Duh….

I have said Rushdoony has been the guy to leave me feeling like “my” God would fit into a french fry sack while his God towers over the universe. We have the same God. So it is to my shame and a testimony to my weak and shallow evangelical heritage that this is where I must start from now. Better to start in, from left field, later in life then never even realize that’s where you’re at. I just wish that I was at least in the correct stadium. I guess that might be a little harsh. But in too many areas it's true. I am more used to a lovey-dovey God that could be glued onto my dashboard.

I thank God for the great fellowship and love for one another that has been a part of my heritage. There was a lot of good teaching, but it all more or less focused around man and his issues and being made can help others become whole. The practical application of this was one program after another all focussed on man. But I can stagger at how much was being missed.

Now I would say the focus is more, “What does God want?” Which plays out in God being glorified by his creation in which man is the center of it. That taking dominion...which plays out in “taking every thought captive” in the New Testament. This DVD set just kind of reminded me of the starkness of it.

The production values are low, lots of boo boo’s. It's also nice to see some areas where God has moved understanding and orthopraxy beyond where he was. Not to be proud, but rather thankful, thank you, thank you God! You're moving us.

They had a great platform, Rev. Abshire just asking questions and Rushdoony answering. I wasn’t ready to see him as old as he looked. A little bit of the feel like a basement tape, where you get to listen in to a interesting conversation. We are now watching for the second time.

On Sunday, I mentioned how God gave us the New Testament to be laid onto the Old. The Old Testament was the frame work with which the New Testament would complete and be understood. When you stop and realize that God didn’t rush to have the NT assembled and distributed in a few years, or a hundred years. God allowed almost 400 yrs till he assembled what we would call the Old and New Testaments. So for 400 years the new covenant sprung forth with really only the Old Testament as a complete written guide for the Church, not the New Testament. Think about that.

That was not an oversight, not only was God comfortable with that, we must acknowledge that it was his design from time eternal. We find no instance where Paul or the disciples fret that they have to spread this new gospel without an assembled New Testament. They constantly quoted the Old Testament.

Timothy was told by Paul to lay hold of what he had been taught, which would’ve only really been the OT and Paul said it would equip him for every good work.

I’m convinced the modern evangelical movement has in contrast taken the NT and laid it on top of our culture, not the Old Testament to give us modern Christianity. So, much of what has been built has been without God's basic framework, which explains an awful lot.

So the net effect of applying the New Testament to the culture produces a man centered gospel? Whereas if you apply the New to the Old Testament you get a God centered gospel and my experience so far has been that if you take the focus off of yourself and put it onto what God wants you to do and work at that, your issues become so much background noise rather than the focus of your life.

Myth: the Old Testament was about externals and the New Testament brought it into the heart. I wish we could say those evil pagans perpetrated this lie to us. But this was our own wicked hearts that cooked up this whopper!

Freebie: If you are thinking of selling anything. There are more people who think they have disposable income now, then will feel the same way a year from now.

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