Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Media Discernment

We watched the History channels Biography show on Winston Churchill DVDs The two biggest things we pointed out to the kids was how they made such a big deal on how Winston was the perfect man at just the moment he was needed by his nation and the world. What a fluke, what timing! It's like it was amazing, and just leave it at that. We pointed out to the kids how it is God who uses the saved and the unsaved for his own glory. He lifts up nations and lowers them. He numbers the hair on our head and a sparrow doesn't fall that he doesn't know.

The show covered a 70 year span of last century, both world wars, and did it from the world view that history happens in a vacuum, that it's just random things. Stuff happens. There is no God. God happens on Sunday while some of us watch football. We pointed out how their world view is showing. They are fools.

This is the type of show I use to give a free pass too...they didn’t deliberately attack my faith or ridicule my God, they didn’t try to defile me to my face. That I would've noticed. It's what they have done for a long, long time that was just as bad, every bit as rebellious, but more insidious. Subtle. The real bad was on my part. My understanding, my world view, was so shallow, that TV and movies could have no reference to the God of the universe and do hours and hours of programming on his universe and his world as if he didn’t exist and I wouldn't notice so long as they didn’t offend me.

We need to show our kids how every subject of their home schooling ties into the creator and his universe, how no subject can be properly understood if separated from God. If we don't show how it ties back to our Father we are still part of the rebellion and pretending the first commandment doesn't mean what God meant it to mean.

If you need help on this like I needed it. I recommend Israel Waynes book called "Homeschooling From a Biblical World View." It's small, short and does an excellent job bringing a biblical worldview to any subject. Developing a biblical worldview set my faith on fire.

Everything! has been made to glorify the triune God! Everything! We are called to interact with everything in this light, in obedience to God's commands. To bring dominion, for the glory of God, to everything. In Philippians 2:4-11 points out after showing all that Jesus has done so that, every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord... it also gives the reason why... to the glory of God the Father in heaven! It's what sons and daughters do. I'm only beginning to get the hang of this.... which is sad, because it's what I was created for. It's the purpose for my being a man, for being a husband, for having children, for working, for having a church and going to church, for the dirt outside and the heavens above! If your living for something else I pity you. Because your living for a lie. I like Douglas Jones phrase "the art of living small."

Rom 11:36 For of Him and through Him and to Him, are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.

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