Tuesday, July 31, 2007

God Forbid It !

Swanson talking about daughters...

Should We Kick our 18-Year-Old Daughters Out of the House - Living Alone in a Post-Modern Barren Land Monday, July 16,2007

Controversy strikes again on the Generations broadcast. The question raised on this program is, 'Should we kick our 18 year old daughters out of the house?'

Kevin Swanson carefully distinguishes between the normative and the exceptional and points out that the exceptional becomes the normative when the principles of God's Word are utterly ignored in the identification of calling.

While acknowledging a role for the unmarried state, Kevin cautions against an age of unaccountability and the lonely state imposed on us by a post-modern worldview. download mp3 or listen online Go here

Dont miss "Teaching Your Kids to Enjoy Pleasure" either.

Sitting in the Dirt, as Praise to God!

This column just blows me away. I finish it and my heart says Yes, yes, yes! Jesus the Redeemer. I read this and I see how man, through the work of Christ is woven back into our Father's creation seemlessly as our father intended. It's the Gospel, the good news! To view it, not as secular and sacred, but now through Christ it can all be seen and used as God intended. Every atom is his and for his Glory. To see the Glory in the mundane...this is Christianity. Redeemed. Restored. I can spiritualize God right out of his Creation, I repent! I so need Christ to just blow out my compartmentalized walls and let his truths envelop all of my walk. "To be in submission to his word".
Colossians 1:15-20

Glory and MatterTopic: Old Table Talk Articles, Doug Wilson

The gnostic impulse lies deep with us, close to the bone. But God, in His mercy, has placed the resurrection of Jesus Christ right at the center of our faith...

...The gnostic impulse is this: whenever matter as such is disparaged over against that which is immaterial and "spiritual," we are being tempted to gnosticism. Of course it would be foolish to reject that which is truly spiritual -- the point has to do with how the word spiritual is rightly defined. When spiritual (as a term of praise) is assumed to be the opposite of material, we have a problem. But when the spiritual understood to be that which is in submission to the Word of God, we are on firmer ground.

...The devil is a spirit, a prince of the powers of the air, but this does not make him spiritual. But a man who makes love to his wife, with a biblical understanding, shows that his carnal act is a spiritual act. A man who helps a non-Christian neighbor plant some shrubs has real dirt under his spiritual fingernails. But many Christians have a definition of what it means to be spiritual which requires them to try to become more like the devil. You believe there is one God? Good for you, and the demons do that. True spiritual knowledge is exhibited in what you do with matter -- how you handle stuff...

Read the whole thing

Swanson and Phillips

Kevin Swanson talked with Doug Phillips on fri....listen online or download the mp3.

The Most Defining Influence in the Life of a Boy - Interview: Doug Phillips Friday, July 27, 2007
Dr. James Dobson said “The Greatest tragedy of the 20th century was the breakdown of the family.” We agree. But unless fatherhood is revived, all efforts to renew the family will in the end flounder. Here Kevin Swanson interviews Doug Phillips on three generations of fatherhood, and how the father-son relationship is more defining in the development of a boy than any other single influence.

We absolutely, positively, must renew fatherhood…. Or we will lose every other battle for the family.
We will lose the traditional marriage battle in the courts and the legislatures.
We will lose the abortion battle.

Kevins generations show is hereis here.

Monday, July 30, 2007

More Family

I'm passing on another article from Back issues of Credenda Agenda. When I first started digesting some of this kind of Christian thinking, I thought I was reading something from Mars. It was most disturbing as I kept noticing that it all seemed more biblical than what I had just accepted as normal. Doug Wilson has had a profound impact on what used to be just so many stagnant ponds in my mind. Areas that I never thought about, let alone held up to the light of God's Word. You repent and move on rejoicing about the many pearls that He keeps revealing. Hallelujah!

Feminist Traditionalism
Douglas Wilson

Feminism has had far more influence on the church than we dare admit. But we sometimes assume that feminism has only made in-roads on the left wing of evangelicalism where mom has her career, and the kids are in the licensed hands of some professional caregiver. But feminist assumptions have surrounded us for over a century, and serious compromises have been made with this ideology among "traditionalists" as well. Of course, these compromises are not openly acknowledgedtraditionalists certainly consider feminists to be with the enemy. Nevertheless, in a perverse way, one key tenet of feminismthat society has the right to define femininityhas somehow been enshrined as a traditional value...

...Difficulty often arises from our refusal to understand the hierarchical, anti-egalitarian nature of all human society. The Bible does not teach that women are to submit to men; it teaches that a wife is to submit to her own husband. Far from requiring general submission of a woman to men, this is a prohibition of such general submission . A woman who submits to her husband will be protected, by definition, from any attempted exercise of authority by other men. Moreover, if her husband is a leader, she has incredible influence over other men through her relationship to her husbandwhether for evil (1 Kings 21:5-7) or good (Est. 9:13)....

...both men and women should marry wisely, and to the glory of God.

Read the whole thing

Godly Definitions...Family

This is from Rushdoony's book "Salvation and Godly Rule" It was posted at Chalcedon's blog. Two yrs ago I did not see the family like this, now I work towards it. Modern believers would find many things to take offense with...but it would not be because they think the Bible teaches something else. What convictions are forming your family's identity ? Or are you just being swept along?

The Biblical Family

"The family cannot be limited to the modern atomistic family, those living under one roof as husband, wife, and children. The marriage unit of husband and wife is the nuclear family, but it is not the sum total of the family. To illustrate: on the one hand, a family with three children, nominally religious, is in no sense Christian nor an area of dominion. Each member goes his own way: there is no sense of any moral responsibility to God or to one another, nor to the grandparents. This is a marriage and a family, but in a biological sense and a legal sense, not in a Christian or moral sense, in that even adultery and fornication are tolerated within limits.

In another case, the family has three children, two sons, and one daughter. A son and daughter have never married; all three children reside some distance from home. They are, however, a godly family. The parents are supported in retirement by the unmarried son and daughter, with help from the other son. The married son was helped through the university by his brother and sister.The family has helped other relatives, and some friends as well, and, while absent from their small town home, have been important in aiding some Christian causes therein. All three children are exercising dominion under God, and all three have a strong sense of family. The daughter, nearing retirement herself, has more of a family life in her effect on other families, and the love she has earned, than the lawless mother in the first family. In the first family, family life means little more than a legal sexual relationship and life under one roof, an essentially biological concept of family life. In the second family, family life is a form of social organization with theological premises, so that it exists and governs where no sexual relationship exists...

"The family in Biblical law controls three central areas of life, the control of which governs society. And institution or agency which controls children, property, and inheritance is the determining agency in any society. Not surprisingly, the modern state, in its totalitarian designs, has invaded all three areas in varying degrees, by means of property taxes, inheritance taxes, statist schools, and laws limiting the jurisdiction of the family. The state seeks to be the new family of man."
~ R. J. Rushdoony, "Marriage and the Family," from Salvation and Godly Rule.

You Dont Need No Stinking First Amendment, Hr 1592

From the Pearcy Report. Its amazing that the dems have decided they need to focus on currying favor with people of faith while at the same time they try to push through legislation like this. Sometimes its hard to connect the dots? This is a part of bishop Harry r Jackson Jr's report on HR 1592. He' not amused.

Why Liberals Take God's Name in Vain
Dear Representative Clyburn,

...“… Our position remains clear with concern to the Hate Crimes Bill (HR 1592/S1105). As in our previous correspondence which is on Congressional record along with our original petition against the bill, we stand united against violence targeted against homosexual citizens as we do against all human beings. The love of God would not allow us to take any other position.

Today, we challenge this proposed legislation not on the basis of its protection of victims of hate crimes, but on the basis that it does not assure our freedom of speech or freedom to exercise religion. Although it may appear that this legislation does not implicate free speech issues, we are well aware that law may be interpreted otherwise by the courts...

...What was amazing about this exchange is that Davis finally admitted that pastors could be convicted of incitement under the current version of the law. It is important to remember that in the future changes and redefinitions to this law could be imposed which could infringe upon our rights in dramatic ways.

At the end of my letter to Clyburn, I challenged him to a debate on the network of his choice within the next ten days. I would love to debate him on television, radio, or both. It will be interesting to see if he deems this topic worthy of debate...

read it all

Sunday, July 29, 2007


From Wilsons Blog Mablog. I continue to slowly digest this type of thing, the untangling of the Kingdom of God with Americana.

America as Religion
Topic: Americanistas

The first chapter of Americanism is entitled "I Believe in America," and it reveals the basic problem. A number of people have wanted to say that America is "dedicated to a proposition," and that we are not bound together by those ties that bind other nations -- things like language, culture, music, food, and common descent. Because of this assumption, believing or not believing in America becomes a choice, like a religious choice, and that means you can fault people for not making it...

..."You can believe in Americanism without believing in God -- so long as you believe in man" (p. 20).

This kind of thing takes the breath away, or ought to, and the initial reaction of many Christians will be to say that Gelernter must be a lone whackadoo, and why are we paying attention to this? For several reasons. The first is that he is highly educated and competent. He is a professor of computer science at Yale, a contributing editor at The Weekly Standard, and a member of the National Council on the Arts. A number of the people mentioned in the acknowledgements are at the center of our national life, and not part of the Glazed Eye Crowd. The second reason for taking him seriously is that he is right. Americanism has become a religion, and he accurately identifies how and where it happened. Where we part company is to be found in his (religious) conviction that this development was a good thing. Faithful Christians will necessarily see it as a tragic fall into idolatry -- and into one of the easist forms of idolatry for conservative Christians to be tempted by....

Read the whole thing>>

Another Ron Paul Look

This is again from Lew rockwell, they are libertarian in viewpoint, and would lump most Replicans in as blood thirsty Democrats. Just letting you know.

It's the 1930s All Over Againby Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
...So there we have it. Our times are good, and yet we face a choice between two forms of central planning. They are varieties of socialism and fascism, but not overtly: they disguise their ideological convictions so that we won't recognize that they and their ilk have certain predecessors in the history of political economy.

Into this mix steps Ron Paul, with a message that has stunned millions. He says again and again that government is not the way out. And even though his political life is nothing short of heroic, he doesn't believe that his candidacy is about him and his personal ambitions. He talks of Bastiat, Hazlitt, Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard – in public campaign speeches. And let no one believe that this is just rhetoric. Take a look at his voting record if you doubt it. Even the New York Times is amazed to discover that there is a principled man in politics.

It is impressive how crowds are hard pressed to disagree with him. How much good is he doing? It is impossible to exaggerate it. He provides hope when we need it most. You see, the American economy may look good on the surface but underneath, the foundation is cracking. The debt is unsustainable. Savings are nearly nonexistent. Money supply creation is getting scary. The paper-money economy can't last and won’t last. One senses that the slightest change could cause unforeseen wreckage.

Whole column here: http://www.lewrockwell.com/rockwell/1930s-again.html

Ron Paul?

I'm guessing that a lot of us received Ron Paul for Press literature at the AFHE convention. I'm just getting more of a look at him.
Ron Paul Is not favored among Republicans, they treat him like??? I'm not sure what. He does not like big government. I like that! I am trying to evaluate God's Word with our system of government we have. Actually with what our system has become. It is a mere shadow of what had been created, by men who did not see the answer to any of man's problems as coming from any kind of government. Because man's problem is that he is a sinner. Our founding fathers understood that. I agree with North's assement from his first paragraph.

This is a longer column from Gary North by way of Lew Rockwell, http://www.lewrockwell.com/north/north552.html

Ron Paul and the Greased Pigby Gary North

I generally avoid discussing national politics. I always have. That’s because I don’t think democratic involvement makes much difference except at the local level. The size of the permanent national bureaucracy is so enormous, in every large nation, that political activities are capable of changing very little. Except in times of enormous crisis – mainly national wars – political change is marginal....

The overall direction of politics remains the same: toward centralization.....

Only one candidate breaks ranks on all of these issues: Ron Paul.

1976 VS. 2007

When I joined his Congressional staff in June, 1976, he was the most junior Congressman, having been sworn in only two months earlier. The Democrat incumbent had been given a position in the Federal bureaucracy, and he had resigned his office. Paul won the special election.

I wrote his newsletters. I also did research on issues coming before Congress. In my three-person tiny office was Dr. John W. Robbins, a former student of Hans Sennholz in economics and of Gottfried Dietze in political science. In the main office was Bruce Bartlett, who later became one of the leading defenders in Washington of supply-side economics. This was a high-powered staff for a Congressman with two months’ seniority.

Unlike every other Congressman, he had no administrative assistant. That meant he ran a decentralized office. Staffers reported to him, not to some professional screener...

HR 1592 You Will Be Assimilated

This has passed the house and is in the Senate. The State (Big government, federal, State or even city) is populated by those who think they are wiser than others and see salvation as coming through big gov't. Thanks to FrontPage Magazine via Pearcy Report,whole column

Think No Evil
By Janet Levy
FrontPageMagazine.com | July 27, 2007

...Further, under this type of legislation, the OSU librarian could be prosecuted for offering books that opposed a homosexual lifestyle, but conversely, Christian students, a non-protected group, would have not be able to similarly claim sexual harassment if they objected to a showing of “Brokeback Mountain.”

Under H.R. 1592, it is also unclear which protected groups have precedence over other protected groups. Is the stoning of homosexuals justified under the sharia or Islamic law? Could harassment of gays be the privileged domain of a protected religion? Under H.R. 1592, how would this be decided and by whom? Which prejudices will qualify for special consideration under federal hate crimes legislation and how will this be decided?

In addition, hate crime legislation abridges the right to free speech and religious expression protected by the First Amendment and could lead to censorship. Statements by individuals regarding their beliefs and values are currently protected, but hate crime laws could end critical discussions and examination of religions and religious practices. It is conceivable that with the adoption of federal hate crimes legislation, the expression of religious values that uphold the protection of life and traditional family values could be judged as discriminatory and evidence of harassment of homosexuals. Meanwhile, the promotion of homosexuality to children and the glorification of the homosexual lifestyle could be legally sanctioned as a necessary policy for a protected group....

In the words of Canadian columnist Lorne Gunter, “Hate-crimes laws are based on the fallacious premise that we may be punished for our thoughts and feelings, not just our actions. And insisting the state has the ability to look into our hearts and minds and adjust the contents is a very dangerous line to cross. It gives legislators, the courts, and human-rights tribunals far too much power to decide what emotions and beliefs are acceptable and, more ominously, which are not.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Books: Eternity In Our Hearts, By RC Sproul Jr

This was an easy reading, enjoyable book. From the Highland Study Center. Plenty of meat in it but nothing too heavy that it wasn't always an easy choice to pick up and read a chapter or two. Great world view content, reinforcing the Multi-generaltional vision , family intergrated churches, and dominnion. He's like Doug Phillips in a lot of ways but Phillips doesn't Baptize his babies. Don't sweat the small stuff. I couldn't stand Rc when I first heard him at the AFHE convention. Now my whole family enjoys him, and the Basement tapes from the Highland Study Center are always a pleasure to listen too. This book is made up of short articles by RC from their Every Thought Captive Magazine. The magazine is good too. Was free for a long time but no more. I love their motto Simple, Separate, and Deliberate. Amen.

He will hurt you, your flesh that is, another one of those men that helps me stay honest with the Word. Helps me to untangle the false coloring I impose onto the Bible. I cannot believe how much garbage I have consumed in my lifetime, no more. The gate is shut and were checking IDs. Were also taking a second look at what is already in the yard.

Check them out if you haven't.


Hope That Didn't Hurt

I don't want to provoke reactions from people. I want to promote thinking, reflection, meditation. As a man thinks so is he. That is one of the many ways the Bible refers to world view. I feel like I get in the way of what God wants said, I can color it with my fallen but not yet fully redeemed nature. But that is how God has ordered it, or else we would be fully restored after we get saved. We really are in a process of being saved till we die. That's a problem, we think "I'm saved, all done, all better, so now I'm good and ready to go", when really were just trying to climb out of the playpen in a spiritual sense.

I want to help clear off junk that might be covering and coloring our spiritual glasses. The truth of Jesus will do that, but I am sure I can leave some of my own junk on someone elses lens after I have tried to help them. "sorry bro, didn't mean to push the lens into your eye"


Sola Scriptura, Draw the Line

More Wilson, this is still the battle of our day. By what standard? Who says? This is the question you better get right or the battle is over before you start. It's God's Word or your on top of sand.

Refined Seven Fold

Topic: Old Table Talk Articles

In the contemporary debate on the authority of Scripture, the only real concern I have with words like inerrant or infallible is that they are not strong enough. The doctrine of sola Scriptura has two components. The first is that Scripture is the only infallible authority we have. The second is that Scripture is the only ultimate spiritual authority we have. Much of our twentieth century scriptural controversies have swirled around the first issue when our time would have been better spent on the second. If the question of ultimacy (and the resultant authority) is not settled properly, any infallibility we affirm will not help us any.

It is the difference between a student who gets a one hundred percent on the test, and the teacher’s template for correcting those tests. The former happens to be inerrant, the latter (as far as the analogy goes) is inerrant by definition, in principle. The Bible meets no standard; the Bible is the standard. Conservative defenders of the Word too often act like the Bible is an exceptionally bright student, always acing every test we might devise for it. But the tests we devise are always skewed, and the very idea of testing here is deeply problematic. We have the whole classroom turned around. Our propeller heads in the back row – the scientists – were not enrolled in order to grade the teacher. And those in the second row – the textual critics – need to quit passing notes and listen some more....

read the whole thing http://www.dougwils.com/Print.asp?Action=Anchor&CategoryID=1&BlogID=4212

Blog Respite

Gonna be too busy for new posts for a couple of day

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Demonic Quarter Pounder

From Credenda Agenda archives this was a great column from Doug Wilson the follow up was better and will post that at some point. check out the Credenda Archives, free, great biblical perspective on so many of lifes topics. His writing is a treat.

Stones Thrown at Heaven
Douglas Wilson

The church today is entirely compromised by worldliness. Look at our cultural holidays, look at sports, look at music rock culture is a direct assault against basic scriptural values. Sex, drugs, and rock & roll are fundamentally antithetical to love, joy, and peace.

So you agree that it is a sin for Christians to listen to rock music?
I didn't say that. I said, "Amen.".....

Go check it out! http://www.credenda.org/issues/7-3similitudes.php


I love to read and let myself be discipled by men who have a much clearer grasp of applying Gods word than I do.

From "Always Ready" , Bahnsen
chpt 10 pg 109-111 Is it necassary?

A surge of pious agreement came over me the first time I heard someone confidently assert that " The word of God no more needs defense than does a lion in a cage. Just let the lion loose, and it will take care of itself!" There seemed something very right about that sentiment. It almost appeared irreverent to disagree with it....

...It is obvious that God does not need our inadequate reasoning and our feeble attempts to defend his word.... But it is misguided.....

A person might think that, because God has the power and ability to provide his family with food and clothing without " help from us",that he does not need to go to work tomorrow.

Thinking like this is unbiblical. It confuses what God Himself needs from us and what God requires of us. It assumes that God ordains ends, but not the means to those ends...there is no need for God to use our evangelistic witness, our daily work for a paycheck or our defense of the faith....but he chooses to do so and he calls us to apply ourselves to them.... the bible also directs us to defend the faith- not because God would be helpless without us, but because this is one of his ordained means of glorifying himself and vindicating his truth....

...1pet 3:15 It is God himself, speaking through Peters inspired words, who calls upon us as believers- each and every one of us- to be prepared to defend the faith in the face of challenges and questions which come from unbelievers-any one of them...

...Our task is to present a faithful and sound witness and defense. The task of persuasion is Gods. That is why apologists should not evaluate their success or adjust their message on the basis of whether the unbeliever finally comes to agree with them or not...

"See that no one takes you captive..."

So... "see that no one takes you captive".... A person grows in the LORD, they get some knowledge, and then they come to understand that things must align with the Word. So now we shut the gate and declare that nothing is coming into our yard, our mind, unless it gets examined. One problem...... everything that is already in the yard, gets a free pass.

IE. Those presuppositions that control key ways in which our thought processes function have never been examined in the light of God's Word. We think they are neutral. If we think of them at all. So when they get jostled, our foundational way of looking at life, the normal response is that the problem must be with the new information. After all, "I'm saved and a child of the King" so it's "more power to the shields, Scotty!" Meanwhile, Jesus is trying to "take the ax to the root" and were yelling "get thee behind me, Satan".

When we are resting in God's truth. We will have his peace in our hearts. When anything we have accepted as truth, our convictions, are threatened, we will get wiggy. That's normal,it's ok. But Jesus wants us to be free of incorrect truth, pretending to be his truth. We serve a jealous God and "the Kingdom of heaven suffers viloence and the violent take it by force".

Proclaiming the whole gospel,


Ever Wonder What Happended to Art?

From Wilson's, Blog and Mablog

The Genesis of the Cape and Beret Problem
Topic: Devil in a Blue Dress

"For an incandescent wit like Wilde, it was possible to express that contempt with grace and skill. But the majority of decadents were not that brilliant, and the best they could do was define art in negative terms, as the absence—or better still, the inversion—of other values, especially moral ones. To establish one’s creative bona fides, it was no longer necessary to make art; all one had to do was profess to worship beauty, lead a dissolute life, and mock traditional ideas of right and wrong" (Martha Bayles, Hole in our Soul, p. 36).

Posted by Douglas Wilson - 7/24/2007 11:58:05 AM | Link to this post | Print this post | 1 Responses


Monday, July 23, 2007

Worldview, It's About Commanding the High Ground

World view is about seeing life as God see's it, every little part, and then seeing how they all fit together under his Lordship. Our culture has trained us to see things piecemeal, as fragments, compartmentalized. My experience as a believer was to try and address an area, a problem, but the whole time I was not understanding how many other areas of life were connected to it. Because I did not address the supporting areas I usually had to keep going around the mountain another time.

Example: my wife and I could give story upon story about how we tried to fix our marrage/family issues one problem at a time. It was only after we stood back and started from the ground up by embracing God's design and order for the family and home, that what used to be problems just started to fade away. Now our marrage and family is just so much richer. This too is part of the gospel,the good news. We had to go and read books on how historically Christian families have functioned. We had no examples within the church to guide us. When we read our Bibles we interpreted them from a modern context. Not the context they were written in. Today Doug posted this column, here are some parts of it ....

By Doug Wilson, AdulteryTopic: Old Table Talk Articles

...One writer astutely observed that America has turned into a nation of large toddlers. We all, from successful businessmen on down, dress as though we were little ones. The uniforms of little kids can be seen everywhere. We see baseball caps, baggy pants (big enough to hide the diapers), oversized sneakers, untied (haven’t learned that yet), and then, in the weirdest twist of all, we see that everyone appears to be carrying around bottles with giant nipples. All we need is for some bright engineer in Detroit to figure out a way to make our cars look like strollers, and for someone else to figure out how to market adult binkies.

We as a nation are not used to any instruction or discipline on how to control our passions and desires, in any area. We are pampered as toddlers, indulged as schoolchildren, spoiled as teenagers, and by the time we come to young adulthood, we are floating in a small lake of material prosperity and assorted stock options. When, where, in what area, have we ever been told, No? If such an event were to occur, as rare as a slow comet, we take it ill...

What is needed is a return to discipline, in every area. This should not be problematic for Christians, because this is simply a call for renewed discipleship. Disciples, by definition, are those under discipline. But this call is problematic for the modern Church because discipleship is not sufficiently sensitive to market forces. It says no to those who show up at the door expecting to be told yes. This is what lies behind the massive shift to ecclesiastical marketing, and seeker-sensitive churches...

..If any man would be my disciple, Jesus did not say, let him affirm himself, and know that God don’t make no junk. Let him learn to feel good about himself. Let him learn to view heaven as a giant vending machine...

This is just another way of saying that everything is connected. Piecemeal reformations will only exasperate us in their futility. We are overwhelmed by our adversaries, but this is because they are still too small. Goliath needs to be a giant before the Bible story can be reenacted. Because we want to "divide and conquer" we continue to ignore the real nature of the war, and we continue to suffer one tactical defeat after another. We want to face fifteen little goliaths, one at a time. This is why each little goliath takes us down. We need to recover the faith of David, and pray that the whole system of unbelief, the massive resistance to discipleship, will be seen all at once, all together, lying on the ground with a stone in its forehead...

Read the whole thing http://www.dougwils.com/Print.asp?Action=Anchor&CategoryID=1&BlogID=4197

Thanks Heritage!

Big kudos to the families at Heritage Baptist Church
( http://www.heritagebaptistaz.org/ )for the great job they did hosting Little Bear Wheeler. To say nothing of the additional families that crashed their house as guests. The spread they put out for lunch was incredible. Thank you ladies! Awesome Job!

The two violin numbers were beautiful.

I kept waiting for Rob to spill that bucket of wheat...

More Thanks

Thank you everyone who has prayed about my work situation. Today I gave my 2 week notice. They released me about 11am, but said they would give me 2 weeks pay. That's a praise God. The Chandler dealer is being more than flexible about when I start over there. Lots of butterflys in my tummy,it's hard to say see-ya after 23 yrs. There were no tramatic scenes, all parties are trying to smile big about it.

Having embraced "Gods" vision for multi-generational faithfulness I have set aside my "American" vision to retire comfortably and can now acces my 401K and try to use it to position my family and future generations in a wiser manner. The entreprenureal cds from Vision Forum have been good to help me think along some different lines. May we all be found faithful.

Semper Reformanda

Saturday, July 21, 2007

A Hearty Thanks

I want to acknowledge and thank the families of Legacy Baptist Church. You must have brothers and sisters around you to urge one another on to good works and deeds. It has been a good recovery ward for me as I have struggled to unpack the junk I have been carrying around in the name of modern Christianity. I now have room for some good stuff. It has been rough on some, I'm sure, as I get excited over what God is showing me. Thanks everyone! Rob, the Hudelson has taught me everything I know. The check had better clear, Rob.

AFHE Convention Day2, The Earth Is the Lords And Everything In It!

My body is even more sore, and now I'm broke. But I have more ammunition for the fight ahead. And I am excited. The hardest part is to see every molecule of creation in relation to it's maker. I have to see it to help my wife see it, to help me give my children biblical glasses with which to see all of life. lk6:40 a pupil is not above his teacher,but everyone,after he has been fully trained,will be like his teacher.
Our culture/society has relabeled everything. I have consumed so much of it over the years that at most things I look at IE a stone, and I see a label that reads, "just a rock", but if you rub on the label... underneath you see that it says "made for the glory of God". But I have spent a long time looking at incorrect labels and it takes work to think it through and to " be transformed, through the renewing of your mind.."

You can take every subject we teach and if we don't relate it back to and show how it's all about our heavenly Father and through Jesus how it is all to be used for the glory of Him ,you might as well stick it into the diaper genie. The state is reaping the whirl wind for its position that what is needed for life can be taught without any reference to God. Each generation gets the curses multiplied to it for the sins of it's fathers. Suicide rates increasing as meaning for life is obliterated, purpose stripped from their lives and view of life that is just empty. That most believers still send their children into partake in the receiving of these curses is just boggling. Imagine the Iraelites sending their kids over to play with the Egyptians as God's hand was falling against them. Why don't we see it?

But, if we are not deliberate ourselves in our home schooling, if we think that all we need to do is just replicate what the state is doing, so our "kids can get higher scores" or "our kids can get good jobs" as a primary motivation. Then we will miss the oppurtunity to teach them to "think God's thoughts after Him". That is what a successful education really is. I'm excited, because as I try to be faithful in this work, I see that the Lord is restoring what the Gov't school locust stole from my life. With this restoration life is taking on a fullness, a richness, purpose and vision! Hallelujah!

From Kevin Swanson

Having just heard him again today, I'm posting a column of his that is timely, about home schooling. He reveals his families trials and struggles with it, just like we all have. We all feel like its our family that is riding on the short yellow bus, that we don't have it together enough. Be of good cheer, Jesus is driving the bus...

The Mess By Kevin Swanson, All of what you are about to read are real events. Some of the names, places, and details have been changed to protect the guilty.

As the keynote speaker at the conference wrapped up his speech on homeschooling for excellence, I was taking notes furiously. He said, "They will know the classics! They will be rooted in a biblical worldview and know how to defend their faith! They will have the character to do all this and more!"

I felt invincible as I walked into the house with the pile of books recommended by the inspirational speaker. The matter was settled. I had the best resources anybody could buy for the education of a child. There was nothing that could possibly go wrong.

For the first two weeks of the school year, things went pretty well. Then it became apparent that things were slipping through the cracks. No. Here's a better analogy for what was happening. A 60 foot fissure had opened up in the earth and was swallowing the whole thing alive.

The coursework for our 15-year-old called for a reading of Plato's Republic. So I'm trying to explain to him what it means for man to know something by participating in the eternal, changeless being. The textbook I bought isn't helping much, because I'm not sure the author of this course has a clue how Plato's theory of knowing is any different from that of the Bible's. Besides what kind of nutcase endorses infanticide, abortion, holding of property and women in common, and women exercising in the gym nude? I don't think a 15-year-old boy needs to be reading this.

read the whole thing..

Friday, July 20, 2007


something to think about....
From blog and Mablog

Vain Repetitions
Topic: Chrestomathy

"I grew up in evangelical circles and knew the public prayer ropes. I could pray readily in public settings, particularly in church, and did so in accordance with the accepted canons for many years. When I finally began to write my prayers out before the service, I noticed something funny. I had stopped repeating myself. I found myself praying in new territory. In short, the previous situation had allowed me to pray predictable prayers that I had not really thought about. Composing prayers beforehand, sitting down and actually thinking through what I was going to say, brought a whole new world of possibilities in prayer. Too many people, when they pray extemporaneously, pray in the same way they comb their hair. It is a habitual action that requires no thought" (Mother Kirk, p. 147).
Posted by Douglas Wilson - 7/20/2007 11:34:37 AM | Link to this post | Print this post | 0 Responses


Hail Caesar...

This still doesn't seem possible, the State now feels that it shall be the one to decide that which is good and that which is evil. In effect it thinks it is God ...found at the Pearcy Report...

Canadian pastor faces legal reprecussions because of hate crimes laws by Allie Martin

A Canadian pastor is facing a hearing before the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission over a letter he wrote to a newspaper condemning homosexuality....

Mat Staver is founder of Orlando-based Liberty Counsel. He contends Canada is treading on the minister's free speech. "What we see happening in Canada, is a person's free speech -- speech on the matter of homosexuality, which says that homosexuality is wrong and which speaks of the homosexual agenda -- is now being punished in a court of law and the person is being put on trial solely for what the individual spoke."

Staver also warns that the case is an example of what could happen in the United States if hate crimes legislation is passed...


This seems to be the trend that we are on too.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Day 1 of AFHE Convention, in the Bag 2007

Started 9am to closing 7pm. My feet are sore, the legs are tired, but the family and I are blessed. That was great.

Swanson's keynote was a home run this morning. We don't homeschool to score high on SAT scores, we homeschool to be obedient, and God is the one who provides the increase in the areas of life that count.

Little Bear's talk on Gaurding Your Heart, an exhortation to our children to trust parents all the way to the marriage alter was also dead on.

We sat through a vendor talk on doing HTML coding to make your own websites. It wasn't exactly like being on the Titanic going into the ice, but I don't think anyone got up afterwards and thought, "let's do that again." I did learn something though.

It was good to see old friends and our many new friends from Heritage and Legacy.

2007 AFHE Convention

Hurrah! It's time again! God has used this annual convention to affect so many changes in my family's life. Now that our kids are old enought to attend with us it is now a yearly highpoint for the whole family!

Jurisdiction, Like Context, Is Everything

From an old Credenda Agenda, issue http://www.credenda.org/issues/7-3.php
this issue came out when Republicans controlled congress....

Just Turn it Off!Greg Dickison

In these halcyon days of Republicanism, it is tempting to think that, finally, the civil government might be able to deal with smut. Before we succumb to the Republican temptation, however, we need to consider whether this is even a biblical solution.

Remember that the civil government is not the only authority with a divine mandate. Each of God's ordained governments, the state, the church, and the family are given specific duties within well-defined jurisdictional boundaries. While a given problem may fall within the scope of all three governments, the approach each government takes and the responsibility each bears with regard to the problem is distinct...

The civil government wields the sword to execute God's vengeance on the wrongdoer. It punishes criminals. Those wielding the sword are God's ministers, not autonomous agents...

The church holds the power of the keys and watches over the covenant people of God. The elders of the church oversee the ministry of preaching the gospel to the lost, expounding the Word to the saints, and watching over their souls...

The family bears the power of the rod to drive folly from the hearts of children and train them up in godliness. As the head of the family, the husband serves his wife,...

But what about the pornography itself? Believe it or not, the Bible provides no civil penalty for creating or looking at pornography. Does this mean pornography is acceptable? Of course not. It is an unmitigated evil, and that should be made clear in every family and church in the land. But it does mean that pornography is not a problem which the civil government can deal with...

A division-of-labor approach like this rubs our legalistic American fur the wrong way. For every wrong, we think, "there oughtta be a law." But while the jurisdictional model does not have the apparent simplicity of a legislated solution, it does have the advantage of obedience to God's created order. No matter how pressing a problem is, it cannot be solved by usurping ordained authorities and by violating jurisdictional boundaries...

Read the whole thing http://www.credenda.org/issues/7-3magitralis.php

Envy, Politics, Economy, Oh My!

I might think of envy, I might think of politics, and I might think about the economy but I'm not used to seeing all three together from a biblical perspective. Gary North ties all three together from a biblical point of view...

Envy and Poverty
by Gary North

For well over a thousand years, the church preached against the sin of envy. This preaching had a positive effect wherever it took hold in people’s thinking. Listeners were hesitant to indulge in the sin of envy. They had been warned of coming judgment against the envious....

Among those who demand equality, there are few who pursue it personally. The demand for equality today come from politicians who live in luxury or professors in elite universities, who are paid huge salaries for doing little work and who are protected for life by tenure contracts that prevent them from being fired.

As envy has increased, government intervention into the economy has followed in its wake. Yet economic inequality remains. The thousands of programs that were legislated because they would produce more equality have all failed to do so. These programs hamper production by substituting bureaucratic control (negative sanctions) for free market profitability (positive sanctions). They substitute fear for optimism. So, they lead to a smaller pie. Meanwhile, inequality remains or even increases, as it did in the Soviet Union. Yet the defenders of equality demand more of the same....

It is never a question of inequality vs. equality. It is always a question of which kind of equality, enforced by whom.

Politicians cannot safely say this. They must pretend to promote this or that program that is guaranteed to increase equality. (Note: there is no money-back guarantee.)...

Thanks to Lew rockwell.com website
Link to the whole thing http://www.lewrockwell.com/north/north548.html

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Separation Of Church And State?

From Chalcedon, this was typical to hear from the pulpits of early America. This is before we Chrisitans lost our minds. This is from a, Gasp!, horrors!, election sermon in 1776....

Chalcedon Blog

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
None But God
"Unlimited submission and obedience is due to none but God alone. He has as absolute right to command; he alone has an uncontrollable sovereignty over us, because he alone is unchangeably good. He never will nor can require of us, consistent with his nature and attributes, anything which is not fit and reasonable. His commands are all just and good. And to suppose that he has given to any particular set of men a power to require obedience to that which is unreasonable, cruel, and unjust, is robbing the Deity of his justice and goodness." —Samuel West, A.M., of Dartmouth; Mass. Election Sermon, 1776.

Chalcedons web address...

Taking Every Thought Captive

Only recently have I even started to unwind my faith walk, the Kingdom of God from Americana. More Doug Wilson, I read him daily, no, I don't baptize my babies...

Slightly to the Left of King Arthur
Topic: Americanitas

I have added a new category for the blog because sometime in the near future I intend to work my way through David Gelernter new book, Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion...

But his central theological assumptions are extremely troubling, and all the more troubling because the kind of idolatry being advanced here is the kind that many red state Christians could be vulnerable to. If there is anything that conservative American Christians need to learn, it is how to relate to our growing American Empire, an entity which wants (as all empires do) compromised older religions around to help give their civic religion the kind of patina it needs to shine properly on civic holidays...

But I love my country as a son, not as a devotee. The America I love is not an idea, and especially not a religious idea. I am a Christian first. And how to sort all this out -- the right relation between Christian faith and national identity -- is one of the things we really need to work through, and Gelernter's book promises to be just the kind of foil that will enable us to do that thoroughly.

Posted by Douglas Wilson - 7/14/2007 4:19:04 PM

Read the whole thing!

May It Inspire Us

When Christians had this kind of world view we built orphanages, ended slavery, built universities, created the sciences, and the most incredible national government the world had ever seen. From Wilson's Blog and Mablog.

Muslims Thinking the Way Christians Used To
Topic: A Second Battle of Tours

"Islam is not a ‘mere’ religion; it is a complete way of life, an all-embracing social, political, and legal system that breeds a world view peculiar to itself" (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, p. 55).

Posted by Douglas Wilson - 7/17/2007 12:26:57 PM


I have learned much from Douglas Wilson

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Kayla Wrote a Poem Tonight

I'm 48 and I haven't written a poem yet....you always wonder how much is sinking in with your kids. So encourage them to write. The last couple of nights I have had extended phone conversations with a friend, we were going back and forth and I can be demonstrative and intense on the phone. Principles that we are all sinners, even saved, we're still sinners, still of the seed of Adam. How we can admit this as believers, but we freak out if anyone actually suggests that maybe we might be missing the mark. Admit it, if someone actually says, "but the Bible says we should do this x, y or z" with a specific application in mind people get wiggy and you will quickly hear..." that's being legalistic". We do believe "we're saved by grace" but we don't really believe we're still "sinners". Her poem fits in

Sinners with a Savior By Kayla Terry, age11

My wicked heart
Isn't always in check.
So sometime I just
Need to stop for a sec.
Close my eyes
And gather my thoughts.
I'm usually in wrong
Because my heart rots!
But that's because I'm a sinner-
Everyone is!
But our Maker didn't stop there,
No, that just doesn't fit.
To make mandkind,
‘Sinful to the core'
Without a dear Savior,
Who we need more and more.
As our nation is coming,
To a terrible spot,
Our judgment is coming
So soon we'll be in the seat hot!
But this judgment
Will be delayed,
But only beause
We fasted and prayed.
Yes, we're all sinners,
So what do we need?
A dear blessed Savior!
And His Holy Book to read.
In it is the only
True way to live
By beleiving in Jesus!
Your heart to Him give.
And if you do not-
I'm sad to say,
Your going to Hell
On the Terrible Day.
But you do not have too,
For this I am glad:
You can go to heaven,
Where nothing is bad.
Where all is good
And we won't need food.
We won't need to sleep,
And we won't need light;
Because God will shine
And there won't be a night.
But to come to this place,
This place so heavenly,
We must first believe in Jesus
And through Him the world see.

I know Jesus,
This I'm happy to say:
That I will go to heaven,
On that Great, Terribe Day.
But until then,
I must live my life
As the Bible tell me,
As a non-slandress housewife.
And, yet again
I am still litte,
still un-married.
I must my life kindly,
Till the day I am buried.
And when I am buried,
Way after I'm married,
I hope I will of lived
Good, my sins sieved.

One more thing
Before I finish soon,
Were all wretched sinners,
With our good Savior's Boon!

Monday, July 16, 2007

700 wives and 300 concubines

Today my family was reading about Solomon and all his wives. Jamie, my daughter, noted "it must have taken him along time to say goodnight."

I guess.........

The Baptists Try to Buy a Vowel

It is so hard to get up and leave Egypt sometimes. You have to close your eyes pretty hard sometimes to keep from seeing God's heart and even his direct commands concerning the education of His children. Let the government schools raise your children in the admonition of the State? Train them up with a humanistic mindset for all of life? I know, I know, I'm being legalistic. Anymore if you just bring up what God says, your legalistic. To do what God says used to be called obedience, Now, we believers, are as nuanced as the world, so all of a sudden it's "complicated". There is no more clearer communicator in the universe than God. Period. So any issue of clarity will be from our end. Give us repenting hearts Lord...

From Chalcedon http://www.chalcedon.edu/

Baptists on Their Way to an “Exodus”?
Lee Duigon » Bio
Posted on July 16, 2007

How close have homeschooling activists come to persuading the nation’s largest Protestant denomination to call for an “exodus” from public schools?....
Entitled “Almost they persuadeth me,” Ledbetter begins his editorial by distancing himself from “the Exodus Mandate folks. Their conviction that God has commanded all godly parents to remove their children from ‘officially atheist government schools’ won’t and shouldn’t become the consensus of the Southern Baptist Convention any time soon.”.....

..Ledbetter cites as an example a recent convocation at Boulder High School (Boulder, CO) in which a clinical psychologist told students, “I’m going to encourage you to have sex, and I’m going to encourage you to use drugs appropriately.”

“It’s not the Exodus Mandate that sways us toward the belief that Christians are being driven out of the public education system,” Ledbetter writes. “It’s events like the one in Boulder. It’s the quiet way that humanist teaching becomes mandatory, and thus gospel, in the hard and soft sciences. It’s the kids who think Abraham Lincoln was president during World War II, but know better the names of venereal diseases and illegal drugs.”

Read the whole thing http://www.chalcedon.edu/articles/article.php?ArticleID=2752

So it's not enough that God gave instructions on the how, and what, to us for the raising of our children. But there is a point where we will finally say maybe that's too far?!? Brother......

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Visionary Daughters

The Botkin daughters book, "So Much More" was great, I found the addendem interview with their father worth the price of the book alone. This letter they recieved speaks to how God is using this book to reach the hearts of young women. It is from their website

Thanks For So Much More Posted October 28, 2006, by Anna Sofia

One of the most exhilarating rewards of having published a book is receiving letters of encouragement and thanks, and testimonies of hearts turned toward home and family. Below is one of the letters we’ve received lately.

Dear Anna Sofia and Elizabeth,
I am a fifteen-year-old girl from _____, and I have your book “So Much More.” I have read it, and I enjoyed every minute of it! It helped my vision as a daughter and a sister of five (and soon to be six!), and it taught me so much.

All my life my mother has taught me and my sisters to be keepers of the home for God’s glory. I was always fine with the idea until I turned twelve and started to get my own opinions. I slowly began to stray from my mother’s and father’s vision for me and my sisters. I began to pursue my own ideas......

You must scroll down the page at their website to read the whole thing

More On The Angry Atheism With Hitchens

From Wilsons Blog and Mablog...

Weird GuyTopic:
"God Is Not Great"
Christopher Hitchens is interviewed in the latest Atlantic Monthly about all the debates he was in promoting his book on atheism. That would include, of course, the CT debate he had with me.....And the interviewer -- a very sharp someone named Jennie Rothenberg Gritz -- brings up the CT debate:
"What about the question of morality without God?......

The interviewer then summarized my argument, showing that she understood it completely.
"Wilson insisted that if you took Jesus out of the equation, the words 'right' or 'wrong' would have no meaning. Thoughts in the brain would just be a series of chemical reactions, like bubbles in a soft drink. As he put it, 'If you were to take a bottle of Mountain Dew and another of Dr. Pepper, shake them vigorously, and put them on a table, it would not occur to anyone to ask which one is ‘winning the debate.’ They aren't debating; they are just fizzing.'"

Read it all http://www.dougwils.com/Print.asp?Action=Anchor&CategoryID=1&BlogID=4153


Have you ever wondered about the ton of details in the Old Testament?

From the Telegraph

Tiny tablet provides proof for Old Testament
By Nigel Reynolds, Arts Correspondent
Last Updated: 2:14am BST 13/07/2007
....But Michael Jursa, a visiting professor from Vienna, let out such a cry last Thursday. He had made what has been called the most important find in Biblical archaeology for 100 years, a discovery that supports the view that the historical books of ...


What We Should Believe, What We Should Teach Our Children

From my
"What We Should Be Doing" post
.."If the vision doesn't start with agreeing with God's written Word for his creation then the vision will be corrupted. That's where we must start."

The current issue of "Faith for all Life" has a family on its cover and this title over them...
"The Most Important Business Done on Earth"

Here are some excerpts from a great column by Mark Rushdoony. "The Purpose of Education"

....Man’s rebellion does skew his entire understanding of his world. When men begin by believing Satan’s lie that they can “be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Gen. 3:5), they assume all matters are their proprogative: ethics, science, religion, and all else....

.....To man in rebellion against God, the world is a mass of data in need of interpretation. Man has long sought some idea by which he can interpret the world, some master principle he can apply to reality. But as a sinner, man tends to prefer some way of interpreting facts that serves his purpose.

...Now let us look at the scope of what the Word of God covers. The Bible gives us the beginning of the universe, its ultimate end, its moral law, and man’s access to it's Sovereign. In doing so it gives the direction of history, the basis of science in God’s ordering and creative act, and a thorough understanding of how man is to view the world and act in it, both in his calling and personal life. The Bible gives the very big, wide-angle view of all of human history and yet forces man to come face to face with his own personal life and actions down to the thoughts of his heart. It tells man where he falls into the big picture. ....

...We are called to submit ourselves, our thinking, our families, our callings, and our lives to all that God is. We submit to the God of Scripture, not the limited god we conceptualize. This is our calling as the people of God and the purpose of all education."

Read the whole thing http://www.chalcedon.edu/articles/article.php?ArticleID=2745

Semper Reformanda, David

What We Should Be Doing

It is all day, everyday, in every way... Amen, when you rise up, when you lie down, when your on the way etc, etc. When we can see God's glory while doing the mundane, seeing how everything relates back to God, the Creator, no neutral ground, no spare molecules, they have all been made for and have the stamp of the Creator of the Universe on them. For His own Glory! At 100 billion galaxies, our universe is rather small, when compared to how big our God is.

I long to one day see myself thinking like this in the same way as when I'm breathing. IE That I don't have to deliberately think about it. I might have corrupted too much of my thinking. Trained by the world to think pragmatically, practically. I willingly touched the unclean thing, "well,it was so funny.." It might have to wait for the next generation, like David was told, "you have too much blood on your hands" but he was told his son would be allowed to. David is a good example of what should be our mindset.........

Remember that David then prepared like crazy to get all the materials ready for the Temple. You know the whole time it's happening, do you think David wasn't inculcating, impressing on his son what he, Solomon, was to be doing as an adult. I bet David pushed this vision into his being, when he got up, when he lay down. None of our Americana, "well they have to decide for themselves" or "Son, if you don't mind maybe you can think about building the Temple." The Spirit of individualism wipes out anyone's ability to think multi-generational. I will have to go and read the account again. I bet all the time David's going, "this is why you have been born" and "this is one of the missions for your life son, I'm getting things ready, here meet this craftsman, nobody does doorknobs like this guy!" and "Son, I wish!... my heart aches to do this! But you can do it with God's help. And I will help get you ready!"

I work with my children so that maybe they will be able to really think biblically without having to climb over the rubble of post modernism in their minds. I tell them this. I speak it aloud to them. How this is important. How they too must be thinking about teaching it to their children and their grandchildren! I carefully guard their impressionable minds from the fools who claim to be wise, from man's wisdom or they will learn to walk as the gentiles walk in the futility of their minds. I protect, I shelter my children, for the glory of God! I tell them this is why God has given you to Mom and Dad to be trained up to think God's thoughts after Him.

So I am going to fell trees, "lay up materials" and prepare the ground and introduce them to writers as they are ready and show them... "look at this person's thinking, see how it harmonizes with the Word". All so that God may be glorified. He must increase, I must decrease. But you, first you have to have a vision for something other than "personal peace and affluence". We are not persecuted, but we have been prospered into irrelevance. Who is able for such a task! Praise be to Jesus who makes us able. This is what we have been called to.

If the vision doesn't start with agreeing with God's written Word for his creation then the vision will be corrupted. That's where we must start.

Semper Reformanda, David

More Naked People, Hitchens

People who are naked but think they are clothed need to be snapped with the wet towel. Hitchens proudly stands in the puddle of shallow water that is modern relativistic thinking...

FAITH FOR ALL OF LIFE Featured Articles
A Review of God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everythingby Christopher Hitchens (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2007)
Reviewed by Stephen Hays
Christopher Hitchens has just come out with a broadside against Christianity.1 Hitchens is a fine stylist. Indeed, style carries the burden of the argument, for there is no sustained argume...Read more>>

Read more>>

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